

wharton jelly injection

Wharton’s Jelly injection

Wharton’s Jelly injection Wharton’s Jelly is the gelatinous connective tissue that is found in the umbilical cord. This once discarded substance that was once thought of as after birth waste, is chocked full of healing substances and abundant in mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs). The mesenchymal stem cells that are found in Wharton’s Jelly are special

Medical applications of exosomes

Medical applications of exosomes

Medical applications of exosomes Exosome therapy is gaining popularity in regenerative medicine.  So what exactly are exosomes?  Exosomes are particles that are released but cannot be replicated.  They are intrical in how cells talk to each other.  One cell will have a bunch of vesicles that leave and head to another cell to deliver a

Wharton’s Jelly

Wharton’s Jelly – how does it work?

Wharton’s Jelly Treatment Wharton’s Jelly is the substance that helps lubricate and support the umbilical cord.  What makes Wharton’s Jelly so special is it contains high levels of mesenchymal stem cells.  These special stem cells adapt to fit the cells needed to help regenerate damaged tissue and relieve pain naturally.   The mesenchymal stem cells that

everything you need to know about this new therapy

Exosomes: everything you need to know about this new therapy Stem cell-derived exosome therapy is an effective and safe way to relieve chronic pain, leaving behind the need for invasive treatments, such as surgery or drugs with undesirable side effects. What is exosome therapy? Normally our cells release substances through envelope-like structures called vesicles. Exosomes

improve your inmmune system

Recent studies show that exosome treatment could have great benefits for human health. Chief among these benefits is the power to repair damaged tissue, the ability to stimulate the immune system, and its role in sexual health and the treatment of lung conditions. Additionally, it has found great use in antiaging and hair loss treatments

what is exosome therapy

What is Exosome Therapy?

What is Exosome Therapy? Some of the most cutting edge treatments in regenerative medicine today are based on exosome therapy. Studies of this cellular therapy have yielded optimistic prospects, and have shown that exosomes can be used in a wide array of applications and types of treatments.  Being such a new therapy, it is important

Exosomas Celulas madre Cancun

Reasons to Choose Cellular Therapy in Mexico Reasons to Choose Cellular Therapy in Mexico What is Cellular Therapy? Cellular Therapy, which is also known as regenerative medicine, is a new field of medicine today which aims to promote the repairing of diseased, dysfunctional, or lesioned tissues using Stem Cells and their derivative products.  Stem Cells

Cellgenic has worked closely with physicians all around the world for over a decade, and in working shoulder to shoulder with the rest of the medical community, we’ve gotten a feel for what we feel their main grievances are when incorporating regenerative medicine into their practice. We’ve found that primarily, the largest hurdles have been

Implications of Exosomes

As the newest field to regenerative medicine, it’s often exosomes therapy the least understood by those doctors newer to the field. While still not in use by many doctors, this is simply because it is new to the field. This is because many scientists are practically rabid to harnessthe benefits of this new treatment and

Self-Care for Dummies

It is, quite frankly, impossible to use the internet in the twenty-first century without hearing much more than you want to about Self-Care. Most often, it is some sort of internet influencer telling you how important it is to take care of yourself, while plugging their sponsored products. However, and many of these people may

Those people who are younger and have never had to face any of the effects of aging firsthand, often have a naive view of getting older– that they will age like fine wine. But in reality, the human body ages more like a fine milk. And this is because, well, we are alive! As the

How to Check-In on Your Health

Many people say that health is wealth– and this is because, really, many people do not know how important and crucial their health is until a certain part of their body is suffering– at which point they realize that they took their health for granted. However, just like checking your bank statements to verify where

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