“You start out happy that you have no hips or boobs. All of a sudden you get them, and it feels sloppy. Then just when you start liking them, they start drooping.”
— Cindy Crawford
Just like men associate (some of) their masculinity with the shape and size of their muscles, women associate (some of) their femininity with the shape and size of their breasts. However, unlike muscles, exercise won’t help augment the size of breasts. Fortunately, there are various procedures available, and today, we’ll explore how Platelet-Rich Plasma (PRP) can aid in breast augmentation.
Platelet-Rich Plasma for Breast Augmentation
PRP and Breasts: The Incorrect Perception
Currently, traditional breast augmentation procedures like breast implant surgery and fat grafting are the most effective methods. However, the general public often misunderstands PRP’s role in breast augmentation. Here’s a typical conversation between a patient and a dermatologist:
Patient: “Hey, I heard about this thing called PRP, and I was told it’s just a couple of injections with stuff drawn from our own blood.”
Doctor: “Yeah, they are really good.”
Patient: “Really? You think so? I also heard they’re good for breast augmentation. Can you do it for me?”
This is usually followed by the doctor explaining how PRP is a healing tool, not an implant tool.
How Platelet-Rich Plasma for Breast Augmentation Works
PRP can be used in two primary ways for breast procedures:
Fat Transfer and Platelet-Rich Plasma for Breast Lift
Fat transfer involves taking unwanted body fat via liposuction from other parts of the body and processing it before injecting it into the upper part of the breast and cleavage area. This provides immediate enhancement. However, the sudden expansion can cause blood vessels to block, leading to sensitivity loss in some parts of the breasts or nipples.
To avoid this, it’s best to ensure sufficient collagen and growth factors are supplied. This is where PRP comes in. The doctor adds PRP, derived from the patient’s own blood, to the fat during processing. The end product, containing many blood-derived growth factors and collagen for skin rejuvenation, is then injected like a typical PRP injection. The result is firmer breasts with changes in size, skin texture, and breast shape, without sensitivity loss. Some call this procedure the Platelet-Rich Plasma Facelift. Results generally last from 9-18 months.
This procedure boosts the confidence of many women but is not recommended for those with:
- Extreme loss of volume
- Excessive sagging
- Previous breast implants
Only Platelet-Rich Plasma for Breast Rejuvenation
This procedure is purely for rejuvenation. It’s for women satisfied with their breast size but looking to rejuvenate the skin, restore fullness, and regain sensitivity. The process involves drawing 20ml of the patient’s blood, spinning it twice in a tabletop centrifuge, and then injecting it into the necessary areas. PRP injections not only enhance appearance but also produce new tissues, resulting in better cleavage and fullness.
Additional Perks
Some professionals believe that traditional breast implants by a board-certified plastic surgeon are the gold standard. However, natural methods like PRP are becoming the new gold standard. Unlike artificial implants, PRP does not require cutting into the breasts, which means no scars and no need for replacement after 10 or 20 years.
“It wasn’t just her beauty. It was the attitude in her smile, the tilt of her head, and the loving look in her eyes when she caught me sneaking a peek down her shirt.”
— John L. Monk, Kick
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