MIAMI, Dec. 18, 2018—The International Association for Stem Cell Application (ISSCA) has announced plans to host its sixth annual “Applications of Cell Therapies in Medicine and Aesthetic Surgery” regenerative medicine symposium in Buenos Aires, Argentina August 16-17, 2019. The focus of the symposium agenda will be allogeneic compounds—how they have changed the regenerative medicine industry, and how the industry will accommodate the challenges allogeneic therapies present.
The international symposium is part of ISSCA’s mission to support a paradigm shift in healthcare from traditional to regenerative medicine in the 21st Century and provide cutting-edge information on developments in all areas of stem cell research.
In 2018, the 5th annual symposium was held in three international cities—Buenos Aires, Istanbul, Turkey and Caracas, Venezuela. Each event exceeded organizers’ expectations both in attendance numbers and active participation. More than 200 physicians from the U.S., South America, Europe, the Middle East and Asia attended the symposiums in Istanbul and Caracas, and more than 350 physicians from around the world attended in Buenos Aires.
The high attendance and enthusiastic participation of attendees at the Argentina symposium, which was held at the Universidad de Buenos Aires, compelled ISSCA organizers to reconsider their multi-country strategy and host the event exclusively in Buenos Aires in 2019. In addition, ISSCA has committed to hosting the annual symposium in Buenos Aires for the next six consecutive years.
In keeping with ISSCA’s commitment to supporting the most current advances in stem cell and regenerative medicine discoveries, the 2019 symposium will explore the impact the acceleration of allogeneic compounds have had on the industry, new challenges they bring to the market, and promising new therapies they are expected to provide to an ever-widening spectrum of diseases and medical conditions.
A group of renowned international speakers, experts in the field of stem cell and regenerative medicine including the latest advances in allogeneic therapies, will lead rigorous scientific discussions and Q&A sessions with physicians in attendance. In Addition, ISSCA has invited representatives from [name of’ lab?], one of the world’s largest regenerative medicine labs to share their experiences and knowledge with physicians representing the global medical community in attendance,
The symposium will incorporate the biology, medicine, applications, regulations, product development, and commercialization of stem cells and regenerative medicine solutions.. In addition, business opportunities, industry challenges, and potential strategies for overcoming those challenges will be discussed.
The event venue in Buenos Aires will be announced shortly.
To learn more about the ISSCA Buenos Aires symposium and to reserve a seat, visit the stemcellconference.org website, email info@stemcellsgroup.com, or call +1305 560 5337.